Examples of my work – PhD thesis cover, layout & illustrations

Below you may find a few examples of PhD thesis covers and scientific illustrations. Find out more about how to get the perfect thesis cover here.

PhD thesis covers

I offer two different types of PhD thesis cover: vector illustrations and a hand-painted style. Vector illustrations usually take less time than a hand-painted style. Hence, if you choose the budget-friendly option, the design for the hand-painted style would have to be simpler than if I made a vector illustration for you.

PhD thesis layout

The Example Book of PhD Thesis Layouts is the best place to check out all the layout possibilities for your thesis. If you are looking for inspiration for the chapter pages of your thesis (the double page at the beginning of each new chapter), this article will help you.


I also offer professional scientific illustrations. A rough sketch with pen and paper and a brief explanation of the message the illustration should convey are enough.

For more general illustrations, check out my growing stock image portfolio.

Contact me to get your illustration made!