Do you have a limited budget for your PhD thesis? Where in the Netherlands can you find someone to design your thesis cover for cheap? And how do you get an affordable PhD thesis layout? Look no further, for I offer inexpensive packages for PhD candidates with limited funds!

Affordable PhD thesis cover in the Netherlands
For 230 €, you get:
- one front cover design with back cover in same colour and optional element from the front cover
- design of your invitation with elements from the cover on it
- optional: grayscale of your cover as background for your propositions page
- optional: your cover without text and/or in muted colours or grayscale for your chapter title pages
- one major and one minor round of feedback
- choice from 8 beautiful, timeless fonts
Additional bookable options:
- stock image: 20 €
- preparing cover files for spot UV, metallic foil, embossing, etc.: 15 €
- additional major feedback round: 45 €
- second cover design draft: 150 €
- more advanced designs for chapter title pages: between 15 € and 45 € per page design
Contact me for your cheap thesis cover design!
Cheap Thesis Design Netherlands: PhD thesis cover for 230 €
This package includes one design for the front cover of your PhD thesis book and a matching invitation. The back cover will have the same color as the front cover and we can put an element from the front cover on it. Of course, we will talk about your ideas and wishes beforehand. You can supply a simple draft of your idea or send me the summary of your thesis so I can help you brainstorm ideas.
In order to find a nice color scheme for your cheap thesis design, check out the entirely free random color palette generator Coolors. You can also use Adobe Color Wheel. Unfortunately, these website do not offer CMYK as a setting. However, you can send me the RGB color codes or a screenshot of the entire page with the color combination that you want. I will convert the colors to CMYK then.
You will send me the text that is supposed to go on the cover and the spine of the book in an e-mail, a .DOC(X) or .TXT file. For the font of the title and your name, you can choose from the following:

The package price includes one round of major feedback where you can tell me what overall changes you would like me to make to the draft. At this step, I can change elements’ colors, size and position and/or add other elements. Afterwards, there is another round of minor feedback where I can make small changes, mainly the size and position of elements.
Want to make your cheap thesis design a little fancier?
If you found a stock image that you would like to use (on, please let me know and send me the link to the image. I will then download it in the right format. Each stock image costs an additional 20 €.
Printing companies in the Netherlands offer a myriad of finishing options – you can use them even with a cheap thesis design! These options (i.e. UV spot, embossing, metallic foil) require additional files, for which I charge 15 €.
What if you change your mind?
Say we talk about your cover, you send me a simple sketch and a color scheme. According to that, I make a draft. But then, you see a design that you absolutely must have on your cover. This requires me to make an entirely new draft. If you want me to make a second, different draft of your cover design, I will charge an additional 150 €.
Contact me for your cheap thesis cover design!
Do you want more options? More control? More initial designs to choose from?
If you want to retain a lot of creative control over your cover, the fixed-price package may not be for you, since it includes only one major round of feedback (the second, minor round of feedback is for small adjustments only). If you anticipate that you’ll want to see several different initial drafts before choosing a design, the individual design option is more up your alley. You can request as many drafts as you want, give feedback until your cover is perfect and pick almost any font. For the individual design option, I charge 40 € per hour. After the initial 15 minutes, I bill in one-minute increments.
Cheap PhD thesis layout in the Netherlands
So much for the cover, but what about a cheap layout? Don’t worry, I got you!

I offer a layout package for 600 €. This includes:
- Choice of page layouts from this example PDF. Everything you find in there can be freely combined!
- design of the chapter title pages (left-hand pages at the beginning of a new chapter, see the image above) based on your cover: as-is without text or muted colors or grayscale
- as-is layout of your references (see explanation below)
- up to 250 pages
- up to 25 one-page tables (see explanation below)
Do you want different designs for each chapter title page? I offer these additional options:
- blow-up of part of your cover (full color, muted colors, grayscale): 15 € per page design
- elements from your cover arranged differently from the cover design: 25 € to 45 € per page design, depending on how complex the changes are
In order to better understand the above points, let me explain some of them.
Firstly, the references. In this package, I will copy and paste the references from your Word file. That means if you used an author-year style (i.e. Smith et al. 2019) in your text, it will remain exactly like this. The same is true if you use a numerical style (i.e. [13]). Correspondingly, I will copy-paste your references section as it appears in your Word file. This means that I can conserve italic and bold text that is already there. In addition to that, I can strip bold or italics. However, I cannot make text bold or italic if it wasn’t in the first place. If you want to change the style of references, the hourly option offers this possibility. More on that below.
And about tables in your thesis: If you have tables that extend over more than one page, I need to typeset those separately. This means that every page with a table on it counts towards the maximum number of 25. Even if the table is continued from a previous page.
Affordable PhD thesis layout for 600 €
What do you need to do to get your cheap PhD thesis layout? It’s quite simple:
- Send me the Word file of your thesis and a PDF of that same file. (Since things tend to shift between different version of Word, sending me the PDF as well is a good safety measure)
- Send me the figures separately as JPGs, at least 13 cm wide and at 300 dpi. Anything smaller than that or with lower resolution may look pixelated in the printed version
- If you want to use your cover design from a different designer on the chapter start pages, send me the file as PDF, JPG or vector file. If you send a JPG or PNG, the file must be at least 17 cm wide, 24 cm tall, and have 300 dpi.
- Send me your propositions once they are approved.
And that’s it, you’re done!
NOTE: replacing multiple or all figures with better-quality versions after I’ve made your layout is not included in the package price. Replacing one or two figures is fine though.
What if you want a more complex PhD thesis layout?
Do you want layout options that are not in the example PDF, i.e. a special style for the header or the thumb index? Would you like to change the style of your references, see different options for them and have a built-in error check for them? Do you have lots and lots of tables? In all those cases, the hourly option is more suited for you. Just like for the cover, I charge 45 € per hour.
If you want to style your references differently and want to use the error check option, there is one prerequisite: I need them as a BIB file. Here is how to do that:
- Make sure each reference is complete (all author names, title, journal, year, volume, issue, page numbers)
- Delete any duplicates (several entries for one and the same paper)
In most bibliography software, e.g. EndNote, getting the BIB file works like this:
- Under “File”, choose “Export Library” and then BIBTeX in the drop-down menu. (If you never used BIBTeX before, you may have to go to “more options” or something similar)
- Click “Export”
- Send me the file ending on .bib
- Note: don’t worry about citation keys, I sort those out for you.
- Note: The references in your Word file don’t need to be linked to the BIB file. It is entirely stand-alone.
If you only want one special thing but otherwise want to stick with the standard package, contact me and we’ll work something out 🙂